In a troubled world, full of violence and social inequality, it is up to each one of us to wake up to the reality that is constantly unfolding before our eyes: poverty and suffering. This reality led to the emergence of the Homeless Support Center (CASA), the result of the initiative and inspiration of Honorary President Pema Wangyal Rinpoche.
The CASA was constituted by public deed on July 19, 2002, drawn up on pages 71 and 71 v book nº 187 – F, at the Notary Office of Alenquer, being registered with the General Directorate of Social Security as an Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and recognized as a collective person of public utility.
The CASA was constituted by public deed on July 19, 2002, drawn up on pages 71 and 71 v book nº 187 – F, at the Notary Office of Alenquer, being registered with the General Directorate of Social Security as an Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and recognized as a collective person of public utility.